Monday 1 June 2009

Loyalty Stamps

This is an idea I had a while back. I'd wanted to make a while back with @KPopper (twitter) but time crept on and other ideas started coming to the forefront and before long this project started gathering dust.

Instead of leaving the idea behind, this is an attempt to 'open-source' the idea. I'd be really interested to see what people think of it's feasibility.

The biggest issue with it at the moment is security. This needs some really clever dude to come along and figure out how the digital stamp can become secure. It was originally based on a password system but thats just a bit lame and vulnerable to abuse. I'd love to toy with the idea of QR codes matched with the location-based awareness of the iPhone to establish a genuine stamp.

The ultimate goal in my mind would be if the 'stamp' became a digital currency. Within a community of shoppers I could trade 10 coffee stamps for 2 hairdressing stamps etc.

As long as it doesn't become a pain in the ass the app would have great benefits to shop owners and consumers alike. It's a good example of taking an old tradition and injecting a bit of 2.0 into it.

So.. come on.. can you come up with a solution to make sure every stamp is genuine and cant be cheated? :-)